Ability to act

美 [əˈbɪləti tu ækt]英 [əˈbɪləti tu ækt]
  • 网络行动的能力
Ability to actAbility to act
  1. But their ability to act quickly is limited .


  2. Courage is not a lack of fear , but the ability to act while facing fear .


  3. For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison , today 's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable


  4. But an ability to act with great speed .


  5. Personal power means the ability to act


  6. So what might endanger the US ability to act ?


  7. It fosters students ' ability to act and innovate . It perfected current teaching mode .


  8. Your total order last year was small , and in no way demonstrates your ability to act as our agent .


  9. The industrial spy needed to have keen eyesight plus the ability to act quickly .


  10. This strong anchoring is based on our determination and ability to act decisively whenever the need arises .


  11. The autonomy and strength of local government can vary considerably , affecting its ability to act as a partner .


  12. If Berlin wants to shape events instead of merely reacting to them , it must improve its ability to act .


  13. Goal-orientated with an ability to act decisively and perform independently in completing projects .


  14. In the most general sense , the term " power " refers to the ability to act in pursuit of one 's aims and interests .


  15. The most important chemistry of dithianes , however , lies in their ability to act as a masked carbonyl group .


  16. And the kind of leader who was brilliant at navigating complex interpersonal dynamics ... may lack the authority and ability to act decisively .


  17. This means avoiding conflicts of interest that could compromise her ability to act independently and to inform the public free from other influences and considerations .


  18. Strengthen our ability to act through partnerships that extend beyond government and real estate developers to include advanced technology and media firms , institutions and community groups .


  19. The most important skill to have as an animator is the ability to act ; to perform in an entertaining and believable way .


  20. The extent is generally related to their potency , frequency of application , the patient 's body surface area , and the skin 's ability to act as a barrier .


  21. In terms of prestige , though , having a strong presence in film remains crucial because of its ability to act as a magnet for talent in related industries .


  22. I think most would agree that one advantage enjoyed by business startups is the power of the " entrepreneurial spirit " - the ability to act quickly and take advantage of special opportunities .


  23. The situation is deteriorating in Germany , too , where your ability to act is being limited by a backlash against bail-outs and against the euro itself .


  24. Scorpio world full of secrets are difficult to check that out , insight and ability to act with caution , but not easy to detect , it buried deep inside .


  25. The minor is an important civil subject of the society , especially the person who has the ability to act . He has extensive social relationships with other civil subjects the same as adults .


  26. We in the UK have our own problems but we have not fought shy of taking bold decisions , and I believe these decisions have inspired confidence in our ability to act .


  27. " There being no one to help me , I had to do it all alone . " Goal-orientated with an ability to act decisively and perform independently in completing projects .


  28. But when bureaucracy and senseless red tape impede our ability to act and when poverty persists while international functionaries drag their feet African leaders have an obligation to opt for swifter solutions .


  29. However , most P2P systems are built on the assumption that users are willing to provide shared resources , obviously this assumption ignores the node consider their own interests , the ability to act in accordance with the established protocol .


  30. In order to cultivate man 's individuality , firstly we must value man 's right , dignity and personality character ; secondly we must cultivate person to form correct self-consciousness , independent human dignity and the ability to act on his own .
